Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Learning to Bar Model Using Creative Manipulatives

Second Graders are using strips of paper to represent the multi-step math problems.  They now have a visual representation of the problem so they can write the standard algorithm to solve the problem. 
2.OA. 1As second grade students solve one- and two-step problems they use manipulatives such as snap cubes, place value materials, ten frames, and create drawings  to show their thinking. They then relate their drawings and materials to equations.

Thank You Ms. Simonelli's Class for Sharing Your Work

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Working Collaboratively is Fundamental

The eight mathematical practice are embedded in all common core lessons at all grade levels. View the flipagram video to see our mathematicians at the Fuller Meadow and Howe Manning working collaboratively to solve problems.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Model Drawing in Math in Focus

Grade 6 - Expressions and Equations - 6.EE.A.2
Singapore Math: A Visual Approach to Word Problems where students learn to evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. 
Click on the logo below to find a valuable article written by Andy Clark co-author to Math In Focus
Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include expressions that arise from formulas used in real-world problems.
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Bar Modeling Practice

Play a Game with Math and Give Your Brain a Workout
1.OA.A.1 - Operatioins and Algebraic Thinking
Practice representing and solving problems involving addition and subtraction.
Click on the thinking block box below to join us:

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Grade 2 - Mrs. Ochoa's Class

Grade Two Students in Mrs. Ochoa's Class truly enjoy using base ten pieces to deepen their understanding of place value (2.NBT.3) Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names and expanded form.  

100 days

Grade K students celebrate 100 days of school 
K.CC.A.1 Counting and Carnality Our grade K students take a unique look at counting to 100. Students created pictures and mosaics with 100 items. It sure was a fun time for all.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Grade one with Mrs. Thomson

Mrs. Thomson's Class 
  • Using Journals MP.3 clearly express, explain, organize and consolidate their math thinking 
  • Making Graphs  1.MD.C.4 - Organize, represent, and interpret data 
  • Using Manipulatives them solve and/or illustrate solutions to a problem.